Showing posts with label dns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dns. Show all posts

Monday, October 23, 2023

DHCP deleting custom entries in /etc/resolv.conf file


If you are working on cloud environments like AWS, OCI you might have come across a requirement where you need to add custom settings on DNS like name servers, search domains and so on. Any changes to /etc/resolv.conf or the network configuration files will be reverted by the DNS server associated with the cloud virtual network.


There are many ways to set custom DNS settings and make sure it’s not overridden by DHCP. Using Dhclient supersede option is one of the best methods.


The dhclient.conf file allows you to configure various options for the DHCP client (dhclient) that controls how your system obtains IP addresses and network configuration information from DHCP servers. The supersede directive is used to override and modify DHCP options that are provided by the DHCP server. It allows you to replace or supplement the DHCP options with your own settings.


Below, I'll explain how to use the supercede directive in the dhclient.conf file.


Config file: /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf


Basic Syntax with usage:

interface "<INTERFACE>" {

supersede domain-search "<OPTION-NAME>", "OPTION-VALUE";



Example: If you want to set a custom DNS server on Oracle Linux 8.8, you may use dhclient supersede option as follows:


interface "ens3" {

supersede domain-name-servers;



You should reboot the server to see this is action or you can manually set the /etc/resolv.conf file with the required DNS but during the next DHCP renewal, dhclient will check the configuration file and update the superseded value for the DNS name server in /etc/resolv.conf.


You can supersede a number of DHCP options in the dhclient.conf file. Here's a list of DHCP options that can be superseded, along with their descriptions:


1.     subnet-mask: Specifies the subnet mask for the client's IP address.

2.     broadcast-address: Defines the broadcast address for the client's subnet.

3.     routers: Sets the default gateway or router for the client.

4.     domain-name-servers: Specifies the DNS servers used by the client.

5.     domain-name: Specifies the domain name for the client's network.

6.     domain-search: Specifies the domain search list for the client.

7.     host-name: Sets the hostname for the client.

8.     ntp-servers: Specifies the Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers used for time synchronization.

9.     netbios-name-servers: Specifies the NetBIOS name servers for Windows networking.

10.  netbios-scope: Defines the NetBIOS scope for Windows networking.

11.  interface-mtu: Sets the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for the client's network interface.

12.  domain-name-servers-append: Appends DNS servers to the list provided by the DHCP server.

13.  classless-static-routes: Specifies static routes for the client.

14.  nis-domain: Sets the Network Information Service (NIS) domain.

15.  nis-servers: Specifies NIS servers for the client.

16.  nisplus-domain: Sets the NIS+ domain.

17.  nisplus-servers: Specifies NIS+ servers for the client.

18.  nisplus-client: Configures the NIS+ client settings.

19.  slp-directory-agent: Specifies Service Location Protocol (SLP) directory agents.

20.  slp-service-scope: Defines the SLP service scope.

21.  ldap-servers: Specifies LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) servers.

22.  ldap-base-dn: Sets the LDAP base domain name.

23.  ldap-raid-info: Configures LDAP RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) information.

24.  vivso: Supports Vendor-Identifying Vendor Specific Options (VIVSO).

These options can be superseded in the dhclient.conf file to customize the client's network configuration. Keep in mind that not all of these options may be present in your DHCP server's response. It's essential to understand which options are provided by your DHCP server and which ones you need to supersede to meet your network's specific requirements.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

The DIG command cheat sheet


We all heard that our bellowed DNS lookup tool ‘nslookup’ is getting deprecated. Even though the nslookup tool has been resurrected and is not going anywhere, its better to learn about another cool name lookup tool – ‘dig’.


What is ‘dig’?

'Dig,' short for Domain Information Groper, is a command-line utility designed for DNS queries. Dig is super useful for troubleshooting DNS problems.


Getting Started with 'dig'




Most RHEL installations include 'dig' by default. However, if it's not present, you can install it using the package manager 'yum':

$ sudo yum install bind-utils


Basic Usage and understanding the output


Let’s do a name query:

# dig


This basic command will yield fundamental information, including the IP address associated with the domain.


Understanding the output:

  1. Lines beginning with ; are comments.
  2. The first line tell us the version of dig 9.11.4.
  3. Next, dig shows the header of the response it received from the DNS server.
  4. Next comes the question section, which simply tells us the query, which in this case is a query for the “A” record of The IN means this is an Internet lookup (in the Internet class).
  5. The answer section tells us that has the IP address
  6. Lastly there are some stats about the query.


Some Quick Tips:

-       You may turn off the stats using the +nostats option.

-       You may use +short to make the output lot more readable.

Quick look at the important dig commands:

Query Domain “A” Record

# dig +short

Query MX record

# dig MX +short

Query SOA Record

# dig SOA +short

Query TTL Record

# dig TTL +short

Query only Answer

# dig +nocomments +noquestion +noauthority +noadditional +nostats

Query All DNS records

# dig ANY +noall + answer

Reverse DNS lookup

# dig -x + short

Query a Specify DNS server

# dig @ +short

Trace DNS Query Path

# dig +trace

Set up default options for dig

You may setup a per-user defaults for dig by creating a file ${HOME}/.digrc (a file with name .digrc under each user’s home directory) with the required default options. 


[user@node1 ~]$ cat ${HOME}/.digrc


[user@node1 ~]$ dig

Let’s take a look at some of the important options.

-4 : Does an IPv4 only Query

-6 : Does an IPv6 only query

-b address[#port] : Bind the query to the host’s IP and port.

-p port : Sent the query to the port specified. This must be used if the DNS server is listening on a non-standard port other than 53/UDP.

-x address : Used for reverse lookup.

Now some Query Options.

Dig provides us with a number of query options that helps in the way query is made and how the results are displayed. 


Query options are prefixed with +. Some keywords can be negated by prefixing no after the + sign like +noall.


+[no]all : Sets or clears all display flags. Querying with +noall will return a empty result, you need to add the query options for the required section.

+[no]answer : Display [or not display] the answer section. Handy to be combine options like +noall +answer for nice and readable reply.

+nocmd : This will remove the initial comment section showing the dig version.

+nocomments : Removed the comment lines in the output, default is +comment.

+fail : Client will retry the next nameserver in case of a SERVFAIL. Default is +nofail and will not try the next server.

+noquestion : Do not print the question section when an answer s returned.

+ndots=D : Set the number of dots that have to appear in name to D for it to be considered absolute. The default value is that defined using the ndots statement in /etc/resolv.conf, or 1 if no ndots statement is present. Names with fewer dots are interpreted as relative names and will be searched for in the domains listed in the search or domain directive in /etc/resolv.conf if +search is set.

+short : Provides the most concise answer.

+nostats : Does not print the query statistics such as the time, size and so on.

+timeout=N : Sets the timeout for a query to N seconds. Default is 5 seconds.

+ trace : Enable tracing of the delegation path from the root name servers for the name being looked up. Dig makes iterative queries to resolve the name. It will follow referrals from the root servers, showing the answer from each server that was used to resolve the lookup.

+tries=N : Sets the number of UDP retries to server instead of the default 3.