Thursday, September 28, 2023

SSL/TLS Certificate Chain Validation in HTTPS

The use of SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) encryption is fundamental to the security of internet communication. When you connect to an HTTPS website, your browser engages in a complex process of validating SSL/TLS certificates to ensure secure and trustworthy data transfer. In this article, we'll unravel the mystery behind SSL/TLS certificate chain validation and how it works to secure your online interactions.

The Importance of SSL/TLS Certificates

SSL/TLS certificates play a pivotal role in the encryption and authentication of data transmitted over the web. They provide three essential functions:

  1. Encryption: Certificates facilitate the encryption of data between your browser and the web server, ensuring that any intercepted data remains unreadable.
  2. Authentication: Certificates verify the identity of the website you're connecting to. This prevents attackers from impersonating legitimate websites.
  3. Integrity: Certificates ensure that data exchanged between your browser and the web server hasn't been tampered with during transit.

The SSL/TLS Certificate Chain

The SSL/TLS certificate chain is a hierarchical structure comprising multiple certificates that establish trust between your browser and the website's server. Here's how it typically works:

  1. Root Certificate Authority (CA):
    • At the top of the chain is the Root CA certificate. These are well-known and trusted entities, like VeriSign or Let's Encrypt, that issue certificates.
    • Your operating system or browser comes pre-installed with a list of trusted root CAs.
  2. Intermediate Certificate Authorities:
    • Below the root CA are intermediate CAs. These CAs are also trusted but are used by the root CAs to issue certificates.
    • The website owner obtains a certificate from one of these intermediates, not directly from the root CA.
  3. Server Certificate:
    • The website's server certificate, also known as the end-entity certificate, is signed by one of the intermediate CAs.
    • This certificate contains the server's public key and its hostname.

Certificate Chain Validation Process

When you connect to an HTTPS website, your browser performs the following steps to validate the certificate chain:

  1. Receipt of Server Certificate:
    • The server sends its certificate to your browser when you initiate an HTTPS connection.
  2. Validation of Signature:
    • Your browser checks the signature on the server's certificate. It uses the public key of the issuer (an intermediate CA) to verify the signature.
    • If the signature is valid, the server's certificate is considered trustworthy so far.
  3. Issuer Verification:
    • Your browser checks if the issuer of the server certificate (the intermediate CA) is in its list of trusted CAs. This is where the chain begins.
  4. Validation of Intermediate Certificate:
    • Your browser proceeds to validate the intermediate certificate using the same process as the server certificate.
    • It checks the signature and verifies that the intermediate CA is trusted.
  5. Repeat Process for Root CA:
    • The process continues until your browser reaches a root CA certificate. This final certificate must be in your browser's trusted list.
    • If the root CA certificate is trusted, the entire certificate chain is validated.
  6. Hostname Verification:
    • Your browser also checks if the hostname in the server certificate matches the hostname you're trying to access. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks.
  7. Encryption Key Exchange:
    • If all steps pass, your browser and the server exchange encryption keys, and secure communication begins.

SSL/TLS certificate chain validation is a complex but essential process that ensures the authenticity and security of HTTPS websites. By verifying each certificate in the chain, starting from the server certificate and ending with a trusted root CA, your browser establishes trust and encrypts data for secure communication.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

How Linux Manages Physical RAM

The efficient management of physical RAM (Random Access Memory) is crucial for the smooth operation of any operating system. Linux, renowned for its performance and reliability, employs a robust memory management system to optimize the utilization of physical memory resources. In this article, we'll delve into how Linux manages physical RAM, exploring the mechanisms and algorithms that make it all happen.

The Role of Physical RAM in Linux

Physical RAM serves as the primary working memory for a Linux system. It stores actively used data and instructions, allowing the CPU to access them quickly. Efficient RAM management ensures that applications run smoothly and that the operating system itself remains responsive.

Understanding Memory Pages

At the core of Linux's memory management are memory pages. These pages are fixed-size blocks of memory, often 4 KB in size, although variations exist. All data and code in Linux are stored in these pages, making it a fundamental unit of memory allocation.

1. Memory Allocation and Deallocation

Linux uses a two-step process for memory allocation and deallocation:


  1. Buddy System: The kernel divides physical memory into blocks, each a power of 2 in size (e.g., 4 KB, 8 KB, 16 KB, etc.). When a request for memory comes in, the buddy system finds the smallest available block that fits the request.
  2. Slab Allocator: For smaller objects (like data structures), Linux employs the slab allocator. It allocates memory in chunks and subdivides them into pages, reducing memory fragmentation.


  1. When memory is no longer needed, the kernel marks it as free.
  2. The freed memory is then coalesced with neighboring free blocks to create larger contiguous free memory regions.

2. Page Table Management

Linux uses page tables to manage virtual memory mapping to physical memory. These tables enable quick address translation. When a process accesses a virtual address, the page table translates it into a physical address. Linux employs different page table structures, such as Two-Level Page Tables, Three-Level Page Tables, or the newer Five-Level Page Tables (used in recent versions of the kernel), depending on the architecture and system requirements.

3. Swapping and Paging

When the physical RAM is exhausted, Linux resorts to swapping and paging to free up memory.

Swapping: Linux uses a designated swap space on disk (usually a separate partition or file) to temporarily store less frequently used data from RAM. This process allows RAM to be reallocated to more critical tasks.

Paging: In addition to swapping, Linux may move individual pages of memory to the swap space to free up RAM. This technique is called paging. Pages can be swapped in and out based on demand, ensuring that frequently accessed data remains in RAM.

4. Kernel Space and User Space

Linux differentiates between kernel space and user space. Kernel space contains the core operating system code and data structures, while user space houses application code and data. Memory is protected between these two spaces to prevent unauthorized access or modification.


Linux's memory management system is a sophisticated orchestration of techniques and algorithms that ensures efficient utilization of physical RAM. By employing mechanisms like the buddy system, slab allocator, and page tables, Linux maintains a balance between performance and reliability. Understanding how Linux manages physical RAM provides valuable insights into the inner workings of this powerful operating system, enabling developers and administrators to optimize their systems for peak performance and stability.

Memory Leak and how to prevent them

Memory leaks can be a silent killer in software development. They gradually consume system resources, leading to performance degradation and even application crashes. Detecting and addressing memory leaks is a critical aspect of maintaining robust and efficient software. In this article, we'll explore memory leak detection techniques and strategies to help you keep your codebase leak-free.

Understanding Memory Leaks

A memory leak occurs when a program allocates memory but fails to release it when it's no longer needed. This unreleased memory accumulates over time, causing the application's memory footprint to grow steadily. Common causes of memory leaks include:

  1. Failure to deallocate memory: Forgetting to use functions like free() in C or C++ or relying on garbage collection in languages like Java and C#.
  2. Reference cycles: In garbage-collected languages, circular references between objects can prevent them from being reclaimed by the garbage collector.
  3. Unclosed resources: Not releasing resources like file handles, database connections, or sockets when they're no longer needed.


Memory Leak Detection Techniques

Detecting memory leaks can be challenging, but several techniques and tools can help identify and diagnose them.


1. Code Review

  • Start with a thorough code review. Analyze memory allocation and deallocation points to ensure they match.
  • Look for long-lived references to objects that should be short-lived.


2. Static Code Analysis

  • Use static analysis tools like Valgrind, Clang's AddressSanitizer, or Coverity to analyze your code for potential memory issues.
  • These tools can flag suspicious memory operations and provide valuable insights.


3. Dynamic Analysis

  • Dynamic analysis tools, such as memory profilers, can be used to track memory allocations and deallocations during runtime.
  • Tools like valgrind with the Memcheck tool or tools provided by commercial IDEs can help identify leaks.


4. Memory Profiling

  • Employ memory profiling tools like massif (part of Valgrind) to visualize memory usage patterns and pinpoint where memory is being allocated but not freed.


5. Garbage Collection Analysis

  • In garbage-collected languages, analyze reference graphs to find circular references that prevent objects from being collected.


6. Heap Dumps

  • In Java, for instance, you can use jmap or tools like VisualVM to generate heap dumps. Analyze these dumps to find objects with long lifetimes.


Preventing Memory Leaks

Prevention is often the best strategy when it comes to memory leaks. Here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Use Smart Pointers (C++): In C++, leverage smart pointers like std::shared_ptr and std::unique_ptr to automate memory management.
  2. RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization): In C++, adopt RAII principles to ensure resources are released when they go out of scope.
  3. Automatic Garbage Collection: In languages with automatic memory management (e.g., Java, C#, Python), understand how the garbage collector works and avoid creating circular references.
  4. Resource Management: Explicitly release resources like file handles, database connections, and sockets when they're no longer needed.
  5. Testing: Implement unit tests and integration tests that include memory leak detection as part of your development process.
  6. Regular Profiling: Periodically profile your application to identify and address memory issues early in the development cycle.



Memory leaks can have a detrimental impact on your software's performance and stability. By understanding the causes of memory leaks and adopting effective detection and prevention strategies, you can keep your software running efficiently and minimize the risk of leaks in your codebase. Remember that memory management is a fundamental skill for any developer, and addressing memory issues promptly is a crucial part of delivering reliable software.


Monday, September 25, 2023

How to Read and Understand the Linux free Command Output

 The free command is a valuable utility in the Linux arsenal, providing insights into your system's memory usage. It presents a snapshot of the memory utilization and helps you gauge the health of your system's RAM. In this article, we'll explore how to read and interpret the output of the free command to make informed decisions regarding your system's memory management.

The Basics of the free Command

Before diving into interpreting the free command output, let's understand how to use it. Open a terminal and simply type:




By default, this command displays memory statistics in kilobytes. To make the output more human-readable, you can use the -h flag to display the values in megabytes and gigabytes:


free -h


To display Memory in Gigabytes


free -g 


Sample output:


[root@node1 ~]# free -h
      total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:  15G          751M        1.2G        272M         13G         14G
Swap: 0B           0B          0B


Interpreting the free Command Output

The free command output is divided into several columns. Here's what each column represents:

  1. total: This column represents the total amount of physical RAM on your system. It's the sum of used and free memory.
  2. used: This column shows the total amount of RAM currently in use by the system.
  3. free: This column displays the amount of RAM that is currently unused or available for new processes.
  4. shared: Shared memory is memory that can be used by multiple processes. This column indicates how much memory is shared among processes.
  5. buffers: Buffers are memory blocks used to speed up data transfer between the RAM and hard drive. This column shows the amount of memory used for buffering.
  6. cached: Cached memory is memory used to store data from recently accessed files for faster access in the future. This column represents the amount of memory used for caching.
  7. available: This column is available starting from free version 3.3. It indicates the estimated amount of memory that is available for starting new applications, without swapping.


Key Points for Understanding Memory Usage

Now, let's delve into some key points to help you interpret the free command output effectively:

  1. Total Memory vs. Used Memory: Comparing the total and used columns gives you an immediate sense of how much memory your system is actively using. If used is close to total, your system might be experiencing high memory utilization.
  2. Free Memory: The free column shows the amount of memory that's currently not being used. This value fluctuates as applications and processes run and release memory. A low free memory value doesn't necessarily indicate a problem unless it's consistently low.
  3. Buffers and Cached Memory: The buffers and cached columns represent memory used for optimization purposes. This memory is typically released when needed by applications. It's normal for these values to be non-zero.
  4. Shared Memory: Shared memory is used by processes that need to communicate with each other quickly. It's typically a small fraction of the total memory.
  5. Available Memory: The available column, if available in your free output, provides a useful estimate of how much memory is readily available for new applications. It's particularly valuable to check if you're concerned about system responsiveness.
  6. Swap Space: Keep in mind that the free command output doesn't provide information about swap space. If you see consistently high memory usage and a significant amount of swapping (use swapon -s to check swap usage), you may need to consider adding more physical RAM to your system.


When to Take Action

Understanding the free command output helps you identify potential memory issues. Here are some scenarios when you might need to take action:

  1. Low Free Memory: If the free column consistently shows very little free memory, it may indicate that your system is running out of physical RAM. Consider adding more RAM or optimizing your software to reduce memory usage.
  2. High Swap Usage: Frequent and significant swapping can lead to a noticeable slowdown. Monitor your system's swap usage (swapon -s) and consider addressing the root cause, such as reducing memory-hungry processes or adding more RAM.
  3. Excessive Cached Memory: If the cached value is extremely high, it might suggest that your system is using a substantial portion of RAM for file caching. While this is generally beneficial, you might want to evaluate if it's impacting your application's performance.
  4. Available Memory Drops Significantly: If the available column suddenly drops to a very low value while running applications, it could indicate a memory bottleneck. Investigate which processes are consuming memory and optimize them if necessary.
  5. OOM kicks in: There are OutOfMemory-killer messages in the logs. You can check it with:

# grep -i kill /var/log/messages*

kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 8910 (mysqld) score 511 or sacrifice child

kernel: Killed process 8910, UID 27, (mysqld) total-vm:2457368kB, anon-rss:816780kB, file-rss:4kB


dmesg | grep oom-killer


Wednesday, September 20, 2023

SS command Cheat Sheet

ss Command Cheat Sheet

This cheat sheet provides an overview of the ss command and its commonly used options for examining socket statistics and network connections in Linux. Adjust the options as needed to match your specific requirements when working with ss.


1. Displaying Sockets:

  • ss: Display a summary of all sockets.
  • ss -t: Display TCP sockets.
  • ss -u: Display UDP sockets.
  • ss -w: Display raw sockets.
  • ss -x: Display UNIX domain sockets.


2. Filtering and Displaying Specific Sockets:

  • ss -tuln: Display all listening TCP and UDP sockets without resolving names.
  • ss -tul: Display all listening TCP and UDP sockets with name resolution.
  • ss -t4: Display IPv4 sockets.
  • ss -t6: Display IPv6 sockets.


3. Display Socket Statistics:

  • ss -s: Display socket statistics summary.
  • ss -t -s: Display TCP socket statistics.
  • ss -u -s: Display UDP socket statistics.
  • ss -w -s: Display raw socket statistics.
  • ss -x -s: Display UNIX domain socket statistics.


4. Display Extended Information:

  • ss -e: Display extended information, including socket UID and inode.
  • ss -t -a: Display all sockets (listening and non-listening).


5. Display Processes Associated with Sockets:

  • ss -t -p: Show the processes associated with each socket.
  • ss -t -t -p: Display TCP sockets along with their associated processes.


6. Display Socket Timers:

  • ss -o: Show socket timers (e.g., TCP retransmit timeout).
  • ss -t -o: Display TCP socket timers.
  • ss -u -o: Display UDP socket timers.


7. Show Header Information:

  • ss -H: Display header lines to label each column.
  • ss -i: Display information about network interfaces.


8. Filter by State:

  • ss state FIN-WAIT-1: Display sockets in a specific state (e.g., FIN-WAIT-1).
  • ss state connected: Show connected sockets.


9. Sort Output:

  • ss -t state established -o: Sort and display established TCP connections.
  • ss -n -o state established | sort -r -k 5: Sort established connections by data transfer rate.


10. Output in JSON Format:

  • ss -t -j: Display socket information in JSON format.


11. Display Help:

  • ss --help: Display the ss command's help and usage information.


12. Clear Timers and Counters:

  • ss -t -E: Clear socket timers.
  • ss -t -Z: Clear socket counters.


13. Show Reverse DNS Lookups:

  • ss -r: Show reverse DNS lookups in the output.