OCI Redis Cache is GA as of now. You can launch Redis Cache clusters using Console, CLI, SDK, Terraform and so on.
Using Console :
Launching a Redis cluster using OCI console is even easier.
Just go to Databases --> Redis --> Clusters --> Create cluster and launch selecting required options.
Let’s see how to launch a Redis Cluster on OCI using CLI.
Sample Command:
# oci redis redis-cluster create -c ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaognnxXXXxxeiexes6cq --display-name redis_1 --node-count 2 --node-memory-in-gbs 4 --software-version V7_0_5 --subnet-id ocid1.subnet.oc1.eu-frankfurt-1.aaaaaaaader2hzdzsfesxoXXXXj6zq47t3dzpoq
-c - Compartment under which you want to launch your Redis cluster.
--display-name - Name of your cluster.
--node-count - Number of nodes Min 1, Max 5. 1 primary and rest read replicas.
--node-memory-in-gbs - Amount of Memory. Min 1GB, Max 500GB.
--software-version - Redis server version.
--subnet-id - OCID of the subnet (private).
jay@serv ~ % oci redis redis-cluster create -c ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaognnx6wnl3gmXXXXXeiexes6cq
--display-name redis_1 --node-count 2 --node-memory-in-gbs 4 --software-version V7_0_5
--subnet-id ocid1.subnet.oc1.eu-frankfurt-1.aaaaaaaader2hzdzsfesxoXXXXXigfj6zq47t3dzpoq
"data": {
"compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaognnx6wnl3gmXXXXXeiexes6cq",
"defined-tags": {
"WhoCreated": {
"Creator": "idcs/jay@abc.com"
"display-name": "redis_1",
"freeform-tags": {},
"id": "ocid1.rediscluster.oc1.eu-frankfurt-1.amaaaaaa2ne4dXXXXzjysjlvetazd2g6eiu32jva",
"lifecycle-details": null,
"lifecycle-state": "CREATING",
"node-collection": null,
"node-count": 2,
"node-memory-in-gbs": 4.0,
"primary-endpoint-ip-address": null,
"primary-fqdn": null,
"replicas-endpoint-ip-address": null,
"replicas-fqdn": null,
"software-version": "V7_0_5",
"subnet-id": "ocid1.subnet.oc1.eu-frankfurt-1.aaaaaaaader2hzdzsfesxoXXXXXigfj6zq47t3dzpoq",
"system-tags": {},
"time-created": "2023-10-27T13:36:05.893000+00:00",
"time-updated": "2023-10-27T13:36:05.893000+00:00"
"etag": "4ccaeb142382b6cbc382c37XXXX26ee8bd4ecad8f000aea0d",
"opc-work-request-id": "ocid1.redisworkrequest.oc1.eu-frankfurt-1.amaaaaaawwq2pqaaXXXXXwhhf7md73tdwxgbchva"
As of now 27/Oct/2023:
- OCI Cache on Redis supports only Single Master Redis cluster with 1 Primary and up to 4 Read Replicas. Sharded Multi-Master Redis cluster is not yet supported even though its on the roadmap.
- Supported Redis version is 7.0.5. We can expect future releases to be supported when available.
You can get the details of the Redis cluster using the following CLI commands:
# oci redis redis-cluster get --redis-cluster-id ocid1.rediscluster.oc1.eu-frankfurt-1.amaaaaaa2ne4d2XXXXazd2g6eiu32jv
OCI Redis Endpoints:
Each Redis Clusters will have the following DNS endpoints:
- 1 Primary Endpoint always pointing to the Primary node. In case of a primary node failure, the primary endpoint will automatically failover to the new primary.
- 1 Replica Endpoint pointing to one of the Read replicas. If you have more than 1 read replica, the replica end point resolves to one of the read replicas randomly.
- Node Endpoints to all the Redis nodes. This will never change.
Interestingly, you can see '-p' suffix to the hash prefix for the primary endpoint, '-r' to the replicas endpoint and '-n' (node number) suffix to the node endpoints. This way you could identify the endpoints easily.
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